October 8, 2019
Algebra 2 formalizes and extends students’ algebra experiences from Algebra I and Geometry.
Building on their work with linear, quadratic, and exponential functions, students extend their repertoire of
functions to include polynomial, rational, radical, and trigonometric functions. Students work closely with the
expressions that define the functions, and continue to expand and enhance their abilities to model situations and to
solve equations, including solving quadratic equations over the set of complex numbers and solving exponential
equations using the properties of logarithms. Students extend their knowledge of statistics and explore probability.
Unit 1: Functions and Operations
Topic 1: Parent Functions, Transformations and Graphing
Topic 2: Domain and Range of Functions, Composite Functions, and Inverses
Topic 3: Rational Functions, Arithmetic Operations, and Graphing
Topic 4: Modeling with Functions
Topic 5: Systems of Equations and Inequalities, and Optimization with Constraints
Unit 2: Advanced Functions
Topic 1: Exponential Functions and Logarithmic Functions
Topic 2: Trigonometric Functions and their graphing
Topic 3: Inverse of Exponential, and Trigonometric Functions
Topic 4: Square Root and Cube Root Functions and Inverses
Topic 5: Factoring Polynomials and Solving Polynomial Equations
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